‘Zoo’s Who’ for Downtown

            What’s the Chapel Hilliest slogan for our downtown – something more than generic, catchy but without hubris. and unique to the spirit of Franklin St.?
            The Downtown Partnership has considered and abandoned “Left of center, right at home.” That carries a relationship to the ideology of this community as a whole, but not particularly to downtown. Several other suggested phrases have implied contrived but non-distinctive pride.
            Orange County flirted with and abandoned highway signs that proclaimed  “You’ll be a fan for life.”  That’s a declaration without substance. The Chapel Hill/Orange County Visitors Bureau is digging deeper. It has hired an experienced professional firm to recommend a “brand” that will be especially appropriate.
            So far we’ve seen nothing truly “downtowny” for our local business district.
            My own exploratory suggestion is simpler, sentimental, and easy to remember: “Zoo’s who – you’ll love it.”  Carp at that, but work around it. It implies the apocryphal story about Chapel Hill as the inherent natural spot for the state zoo. It carries a nod to our intelligentsia. And has an easy rhyme.
            –Now on to less important concerns, such as the high cost of living and global warming.


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